NEUERSCHEINUNG| Ethnologia Balkanica 22/2020


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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Tomislav Helebrant

*Ethnologia Balkanica
*Journal for Southeast European Anthropology
Zeitschrift für die Anthropologie Südosteuropas
Journal d’ethnologie du sud-est européen

*Volume 22/2020*

*Emotions, Senses and Affects in the Context of Southeast Europe. Part 1
*Edited by Klaus Roth

LIT-Verlag 2020, 222 p., ISSN 1111-0411,
ISBN 978-3-643-91319-7 (paperback), ISBN 978-3-643-96319-2 (PDF)

The papers in this volume of Ethnologia Balkanica focus on various kinds
of emotions of people in Southeast Europe. Grief and sadness are, of
course, universal, but they take on different forms of expression, as
some papers in this volume show. In the times of the socialist system
laughter could express resistance, and for the many labour migrants from
the Balkans visiting their country of origin often evokes feelings of
being at home. Cities make efforts to attract visitors through emotions
and many people try to relive times of past glory emotionally by means
of historical re-enactments. In everyday life, gossip is an important
means of expressing positive or negative emotions, just like smells and
rituals can become expressions of actual or remembered emotions. Thus,
for researchers emotions are a factor that always must be taken serious,
both those of the people they study and their own. The volume also
contains obituaries of two outstanding social anthropologists, Joel
Halpern and Christian Giordano, whose work focussed on the Balkans, as
well as reports and book reviews that relate to this region.

Klaus Roth is professor em. at the Institute for European Ethnology of
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich




/Ioannis Karachristos, Athens
/Dealing with Emotions in the Field and from the Field: The Researcher’s

/Georgios Kouzas, Athens
/From Public to Private Life and vice versa. Social Comments (Gossip) as
a Dynamic Expression of Positive and Negative Emotions

/Zlatina Bogdanova, Sofia
/“Kapana” in Plovdiv – the “Emotional” Trap of the Urban Culture

/Blaž Bajič, Ljubljana/Joensuu
/Nose-talgia, or, Olfactory Remembering of the Past and the Present in a
City in Change

/Maria Mateoniu-Micu, Bucharest
/Laughter as a Strategy of Resistance in Socialist Romania. The Case of
Jiu Valley

/Svetla I. Kazalarska, Sofia
/Historical Reenactments of the “Heroic Times”: Performance and Affect

/Lumnije Kadriu, Prishtina
/Kosovo Albanian Diaspora Holidays and the Feeling of “At-homeness”

/Mirela Hrovatin, Zagreb
/Tracking Historical Changes in Personal Religious Practice on the
Examples of Votive Prayers

/Leontina Musa, Prishtina
/Emotions of Separation and Cohesion during Death Rituals

/Georgeta Nazarska, Svetla Shapkalova, Sofia
/Faith, Sacraments and Emotions: Projections of Religiosity in
Contemporary Bulgaria

/Florența Popescu-Simion, Bucharest
/Taming the Unknown: Emotional Aspects of a Ritual Dedicated to Some
Miraculous Graves in a Catholic Cemetery in Bucharest


Christian Giordano (1945–2018). In Memoriam
/Milena Benovska, Sofia; Klaus Roth, Munich/

Joel Martin Halpern, 1929–2019. Joel Martin Halpern, cultural
anthropologist and professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts
(UMass), died in Greenfield, Massachusetts, on July 4th, 2019 at the age
of 90
/Hannes Grandits, Siegfried Gruber, Karl Kaser, Robert Pichler/


International Conference “(Re)thinking Socialism: Knowledge, Memory and
Oblivion of the Socialist Past”, Sofia, November 7–9, 2019.
/Zlatina Bogdanova, Sofia/

*Book reviews*

Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Robert Pichler, Sarah Scholl-Schneider (eds.):
Remigration to Post-Socialist Europe: Hopes and Realities of Return
(ERSTE Foundation Series, Volume 3), Vienna: Lit 2018
/Violetta Parutis, University of Essex/

Lozanka Peycheva: “Narodnijat duh” v avtorskite pesni ot Bălgarija [“The
folk spirit” in author’s songs from Bulgaria]. Sofia: Sofia University
press 2019.
/Orlin Spasov, Sofia/

Claudia-Florentina Dobre: Ni victime ni héroïne. Les anciennes détenues
politiques et les mémoires du communisme en Roumanie. Bucharest:
Electra, 2019.
/Antoine Heemeryck, Paris/

Alexandra Ion: Regi, sfinți și anonimi. Cercetători și oseminte umane în
arheologia din România [Kings, saints and the anonymous dead.
Researchers and human remains in the archaeology of Romania].
Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun 2019.
/Stelu Șerban, Bucharest/

Addresses of Editors and Authors

Instructions to Authors


LIT-Verlag, Berlin:

Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft und Europäische Ethnologie
der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Publikationen:

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